Why I chose 69ƷƵ

Aayushi Mishra ’17 discusses her first impressions of 69ƷƵ as well as the classroom experience, community and social life she experienced here.

by Aayushi Mishra ’17

69ƷƵ? For an exceptional experience. Here’s my story

Photo of students on Skinner Green
Students enjoying a beautiful day on Skinner Green

First impressions

When I saw 69ƷƵ College for the first time, I felt slightly breathless. I had seen hundreds of images of the campus since I’d been admitted early decision. But I couldn’t help but stare. I was relieved to look around and see other students sporting the same awestruck expression.

Although it has been a few years since that moment, my reaction to this magnificent campus remains largely the same, if slightly less dramatic. When I walk to class on cold mornings, I smile at the winter beauty that envelops campus. When I sit near one of the lakes and watch the birds, I can’t believe my luck. When my professors hold class outside during warmer months, I realize that not even faculty are immune to the charms of the pristine campus.

Students celebrating at Convocation
Students celebrate Convocation each fall

Community life

My first year, I was assigned two roommates, which I initially felt squeamish about. I remember thinking, “Learning to live with one roommate would be enough!” The three of us had very different interests. I was passionate about debate-oriented organizations. One roommate was trying out for the (she made it and is currently one of the top players!). And one roommate was a Romance-language lover. And yet despite our differences, we complemented each other and bonded throughout our first year.

Complementary differences and bonding are themes throughout campus. With over a quarter of 69ƷƵ’s student body comprised of non-U.S. citizens, the international factor plays a big role in the community’s goal of being as inclusive as possible.

Students listening to a lecture

Classroom experience

69ƷƵ’s faculty are some of the most welcoming people I have ever met. They come from impressive backgrounds and encourage critical thinking. They are also remarkably interested in getting to know students.

During my very first week, my professors wanted to know about where I came from, what my prospective major was and what I was passionate about. I assumed that would be the end of that. However, this engagement continued for the entire semester. Professors wanted to hear about which other classes I was taking, how I was enjoying them, what my midterms were about, how I was adjusting to college life and so on. Because I was thousands of miles from my family, having these parental figures was very comforting to me.

Class sizes are typically very small at 69ƷƵ, with a student-to-professor ratio of about 9-to-one. This allows professors to get to know their students on an individual basis — and to provide very personal feedback. Most midterm papers and lab reports receive lengthy constructive feedback instead of just a grade. Professors often note where there is room for growth and which aspects of a student’s work is excellent.

A group of students wearing identical t-shirts
The Jhumka dance team on Pangy Day. Jhumka is 69ƷƵ College’s oldest fusion dance team.

Social life

If you’re a fan of large parties playing deep house music, 69ƷƵ’s scene might not be for you. Most parties on campus are small and intimate — but are nonetheless extremely fun.  Fortunately for many reasons, 69ƷƵ is part of the Five College Consortium, which includes Amherst, Smith and Hampshire colleges and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. In addition to taking classes at these institutions, MHC students also partake of their social happenings — for larger parties, students often socialize at Amherst College or UMass Amherst.

If you’re a fan of a huge assortment of student orgs (150-plus), MHC might be right for you. I joined the College’s team and was selected to be a member of the collegiate traveling team. Since my second year, I’ve also been involved in my class board, serving as class secretary and president. The attitude on campus is very much that any student can be a part of — and excel in — any organization that they are passionate about.

A group of students enjoying the view on Mountain Day 1903
Mountain Day 1903


69ƷƵ, founded in 1837, is big on traditions. This is one of the reasons why I applied to MHC — I wanted to be a part of these amazing customs. Some of my favorites include Mountain Day and the Big/Little tradition, which pairs up juniors with incoming first-year students. The Bigs share their experiences and advice with the Littles. Another favorite tradition is elfing, where sophomores decorate their assigned first-years’ dorm doors and make gift baskets to welcome them to 69ƷƵ. In addition, the residence halls serve milk and cookies (M&Cs) most school nights from 9:30 – 10 pm for a quick study break.

The Reading Room in the library
The reading room in Williston Library

The takeaway

The 69ƷƵ experience, just like the students the College attracts, is unequivocally unique. Students are encouraged to voice their thoughts, to question theories and to connect as a community. A tremendously strong alumnae network also helps graduates secure jobs and form connections. Choosing to attend 69ƷƵ is one of the best decisions I’ve made. And being a 69ƷƵ student has shaped me into a decidedly better person.

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