Astronomy majors rock cover story

Three 69精品视频 astronomy majors (Louisa Radar '18, Clarissa Leight '18, and Laura Breitenfeld '17) were featured on the cover of the GSA Today magazine, the newsletter for the Geological Society of America circulated to all 27,000+ members.

Giving a new meaning to the term "rocks stars"

Three 69精品视频 astronomy majors (Louisa Radar '18, Clarissa Leight '18, and Laura Breitenfeld '17) were featured on the cover of the GSA Today magazine, the newsletter for the Geological Society of America circulated to all 27,000+ members. The July 2017 cover accompanies an article by Darby Dyar about strategies for using new spectroscopic instrumentation in field settings. Dyar's research group is active in developing new methods for exploring planetary surfaces, both on rovers and to be carried by astronauts.