Claire Pless

  • Visiting Assistant Professor in Geology
  • Geoscience Technician
Claire Pless

Claire Pless has a background in structural geology, metamorphic petrology and monazite geochronology. Her research has included kinematic analysis of shear zones paired with in-situ monazite geochronology and melt characterization in the Adirondack Mountains, as well as relay ramp characterization in Canyonlands and Arches National Parks.

Her work as geoscience technician in the geology and geography department includes sample preparation, making thin sections, upkeep of the department鈥檚 mineral displays, SEM analysis, and various other tasks around the department. She also instructs students in the use of the rock room equipment, training them on how to cut and polish rocks and make thin sections.

Claire teaches two courses: Rocks and Minerals and Petrology.


  • Ph.D., B.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • M.S., Colorado School of Mines